Instagram Name: BRENDONBANE

Home: Currently living in Staten Island NY but born and raised 34yrs in Brooklyn NY
Favorite 3 in your collection: Python custom 4's I had done by Dominic @theshoesurgeon the detail and work he put into them is remarkable and first custom I seen with idea I came up with that has Velcro with my name in it similar to the tour 4 and undefeated 4 with removable patch . And I have patches with my cartoon character, Jordan and Theshoesurgeon logo as well , Doernbecher 6's , and something about Burgundy 5's or db4's ... It's a toss up lol

Rock, Stock, Burn - Jordan 11 Low Bred, Jordan 6 Carmine, Jordan 13 Altitude: Rock Carmine's, stock Altitudes, Burn low breds.. With EXTRA GASOLINE!!!!! They are garbage
Number of kicks in collection: sold a lot in the last few years .. I'd say somewhere around 100 pairs left

Sneaker that started it all for you: When I was about 12 or 13 I had OG WHITE CEMENT 4's And remember I was in love... Created a monster lol
Favorite Sneaker Store: Rough one.... I'd feel like a hypebeast saying flightclub because I love the selection in there but I'd say my boy Adam SoleyGhost's store in Rahway Nj EastCoastBoutique
Holy Grail: I'd love to own a pair of Eminem 4's but at my age and with the responsibilities in life I have I would never spend that type of money on kicks ever! Kids these days need to open there eyes towards future goals and priorities
Any Last Words: I appreciate for choosing me for this interview I feel humbled that I can be a positive influence towards the sneaker community in any possible way and thank everyone for there love and support .. And want to shout out my family and crew LEGIONOFSOLES
Instagram Name: DJBLUIZ

Home: New Jersey (Dirty Jerz)
Favorite 3 in your collection: Bin 5s/Playoff 11s "Breds"/Carmine 6s
Number of kicks in collection:150+
Rock, Stock Burn - Jordan 11 Low Bred, Jordan 6 Carmine, Jordan 13 Altitude: Rock-Altitude, Stock-Carmine 6s, Burn-Bred lows
Sneaker that started it all for you: Carmine 6 in 1991

Favorite Sneaker Store: Any which one i can get a pair at haha
Holy Grail: Already own it Bin 5

Last Words: Always remember to be yourself and don't buy kicks to be cool and or to fit in with others! Rock what you like and don't be a follower!
Instagram Name: LUKESNEAKERS

Home: South Carolina
Favorite 3 in your collection: Mirror Foams, White Supreme AF1, and multicolor flyknit trainers.

Rock, Stock, Burn: Rock- Jordan 13 Altitude, Stock- Carmine 6, Burn- Bred 11 low
Number of kicks in collection: Just started last year and I'm only 13 years old. I have about 70 pairs and my parents haven't bought one pair.

Sneaker that started it all for you: Gamma 11 (outgrew my gs pair, need a size 8-9)
Favorite Sneaker Store: Flight Club and Rif LA
Holy Grail: Nerf Kd 4