On 04/04/2009 the sneaker game changed forever. It was on this day that Nike released the first ever "Yeezy" sneaker with the Nike Yeezy One Zen Grey. From day 1, people have been camping out, boutiques have been back dooring, and fans have been paying top dollar for his kicks.
No non-athlete has a larger sneaker following than Kanye West. It is not even close. It does not matter if Kanye is working with Nike or Adidas, his fans are loyal to him and are willing to flock to wherever he goes.
If you are able to get a pair of Yeez's for retail than you are one lucky S.O.B. Retail stores are notorious for back dooring these things and the few retail stores that remain legit, either make you camp out for days or win through a lottery system. This creates a UGE secondary market.
Prices on the Adidas Yeezy's run from ($1,000 - $2,000) and prices on the Nike's around ($2,000 - $5,000). The Nike Yeezy 2 Red October goes for the most money at around $5,000 for a new pair.
While the high prices people are willing to pay is still up for debate, the same can not be said about the sneakers designs. Kanye West is an artist and his sneakers are a testament to this.
Kanye West is a trend setter with great style. Here is a list of the top 5 Yeezy sneakers ever released so far. The pictures are all of Kanye West wearing his Yeezy's. What are your favorites?
5. Nike Yeezy 2 Solar Red
I do not know what is rarer. The kicks or a picture of Kanye West smiling!
4. Louis Vuitton Don Patchwork
3. Nike Air Yeezy 1 Blink
2. Adidas Yeezy Boost 350 Turtle Dove
1. Nike Air Yeezy 2 Red October
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